Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow- What a day!?

I am still in shock how much it snowed, and how absolulety beautiful it was. I found myself taking pictures over and over. I enjoyed being stuck in the house with Ellie Jane,
with nothing to do and no where to go! She was not to sure about the snow!
I stuck her in to take pictures, and she just stood there like a statue!

We went out again when daddy got home. This time I put her mittens on!
I asked her to show me her mittens, and she did! I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!

She actually touch the snow with her mittens on!

I was showing her how to throw snowballs! I got her in action!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Walking! Walking! Walking!

Ellie Jane has been walking for a little while, yet still crawling quite a bit. No more crawling for her! She has finally taking off It is so exciting! She is getting so big, saying all kinds of words, and doing so many new things each day! It is so amazing to watch them grow, and learn! Here is video of her walking!